October 14, 2022

Tea Talk: What's happening in Iran?

As of 26 September, 2022, protests in Iran had taken place in 80+ cities, injuring over 733 and killing over 41 people. The spark: on 16 September, 2022, Mahsa Amini, a 22-year old Iranian woman, dies after the religious police has arrested her for not wearing her hijab in line with the strict laws. 

Protests are growing in number, and frequency: large scale demonstrations have taken place in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2011, 2009, 1999, and all have one common theme: they are cries for freedom.

Many of us have seen these protests in the news. Few of us have actually talked to those Iranians who are directly or indirectly living this period. 

On 1 October 2022, Correspondents of the World therefore organized a Tea Talk: What’s happening in Iran? Personal experiences from inside and outside the country. Here, participants from all over the world had the opportunity to speak with Iranians from in- and outside the country. While there were Iranian participants from outside Iran, those inside Iran could not join due to the internet crackdown implemented by the regime. 

With 28 participants from Iran, India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Italy, and many more countries, we had a truly global conversation about deeply personal experiences. The best way to cover this, is by sharing some of the words spoken:

“I always dreamed of living abroad. For my whole life I was working towards this because of the restrictions in my home country… but for the last two weeks, being in a foreign country [the Netherlands] while my brothers and sisters are fighting for their basic rights, I wish I could be next to them and fight with them, shoulder to shoulder.” (Ardavan)

“When we left Iran, we left our hearts at home. We might be here but all of our attention is there.” (Mani) 

“Most people think this is a fight about hijabs. It is not. We are protesting about basic human rights. I love Iran. I want to be there. But when I am there I have to pretend to be someone I am not.” (Shadi)

“I realized we should not be afraid of the regime. They should be afraid of us.” (Shadi)

Getting a personal perspective from people we can actually talk to - that is the goal of the Correspondent of the World Tea Talks. Or, in the words of one of our participants: “When we just read these pieces of news, we often forget in our daily lives. We just treat it as just more news from another country. We forget that there are real people being affected.”

Thanks to our Iranian friends Ardavan, Mani, Shadi, Hoda, Alireza, Atousa, Farzad, Kharazm for being there or giving your input. Lots of strength to you! 

The next Tea Talk will be held soon. Want to stay up to date? Subscribe to our mailing list on the homepage of www.correspondentsoftheworld.com or send an email to [email protected]

April 7, 2022

Remote Internship Opportunity: Content & Communications Manager

Correspondents of the World is looking for a new Content & Communications Manager to expand our presence on social media and reach even more people with the stories we collect. Visit the internship offer for more information. 

January 1, 2022

January Newsletter

Looking back at a busy year, and forward with hope and courage: Read our January Update Newsletter here.

November 27, 2021

Invited Talk: The 1965 Indonesian Genocide

In November 2021, Correspondents of the World organised an online conversation with special guest Dr Soe Tjen Marching on the experiences of Chinese-Indonesians during the mass killings and imprisonment of alleged communists during 1965/66 in Indonesia. Find out what stories Soe Tjen and other witnesses had to tell about this period usually shrouded in silence here.

November 1, 2021

November Newsletter

Story updates and big plans moving forward: Read our November Update Newsletter here.

September 18, 2021

Migrant Connections Festival 2021

Our first physical appearance: Veronica, Joost and Janosch represented Correspondents of the World at the Migrant Connections Festival in London, UK. Besides telling people about our project, we also provided a workshop on the power of narrative and detecting biases and assumptions in the stories we hear and the stories we tell. 

September 13, 2021

Perspective: A Correspondents of the World Magazine

Fresh from the press: Today we got the first run of prints of our Perspective magazine - a way to distribute our stories beyond the internet. For the first issue, we picked a story from each of our six focus topics, and presented them together with translations, information about the author, some facts about their respective countries and reflection questions. If you can't get hold of a physical copy, you can check it out online on FlipBook.

August 29, 2021

Tea Talk: The Power of Narrative

We used this Tea Talk as a tester for our workhop at the Migrant Connections Festival in London, talking about assumptions, biases and the power of narrative. 

July 23, 2021

Alice joins us as Social Media and Communications Intern

We're happy to announce that Alice Lieu is joining us as a Social Media and Communications Intern for the next few months. Alice was born in Vietnam. She travelled abroad to study for her Bachelor Degree in Business Management at Lancaster University. As an international student, Alice developed an appreciation for stories that amplify the beauty of individual and cultural differences. Alice is also a writer in her free time. She writes stories that bring her creativity to view and voice out the opinions that she believes can help connect everyone and create a better world. Check out our social media channels to see her work!

April 1, 2021

We Are Becoming A 'Stichting' (Foundation)

Not a joke: On the first of April 2021 Joost signed all documents necessary to register Correspondents of the World as a 'stichting', a foundation in the Netherlands.

March 29, 2021

Interview with 'Call For Optimism'

We met with Lea Loesch, founder of Call For Optimism, an initiative to 'bring the positive things into the spotlight and to share and spread positive news, stories, thoughts and experiences of all kinds of people' to chat about Correspondents of World. You can read the interview here.

February 25, 2021

Interview with University of Leiden

Bachelor International Studies alumni Joost and Mira were interviewed by the University of Leiden about their passion for and their work with Correspondents of the World. You can find the interview here

Global Issues Through Local Eyes

We are Correspondents of the World, an online platform where people from all over the world share their personal stories in relation to global development. We try to collect stories from people of all ages and genders, people with different social and religious backgrounds and people with all kinds of political opinions in order to get a fuller picture of what is going on behind the big news.

Our Correspondents

At Correspondents of the World we invite everyone to share their own story. This means we don't have professional writers or skilled interviewers. We believe that this approach offers a whole new perspective on topics we normally only read about in the news - if at all. If you would like to share your story, you can find more info here.

Share Your Story

Our Editors

We acknowledge that the stories we collect will necessarily be biased. But so is news. Believing in the power of the narrative, our growing team of awesome editors helps correspondents to make sure that their story is strictly about their personal experience - and let that speak for itself.

Become an Editor


At Correspondents of the World, we want to contribute to a better understanding of one another in a world that seems to get smaller by the day - but somehow neglects to bring people closer together as well. We think that one of the most frequent reasons for misunderstanding and unnecessarily heated debates is that we don't really understand how each of us is affected differently by global issues.

Our aim is to change that with every personal story we share.

View Our Full Vision & Mission Statement


We believe in quality over quantity. To give ourselves a focus, we started out to collect personal stories that relate to our correspondents' experiences with six different global topics. However, these topics were selected to increase the likelihood that the stories of different correspondents will cover the same issues and therefore illuminate these issues from different perspectives - and not to exclude any stories. If you have a personal story relating to a global issue that's not covered by our topics, please still reach out to us! We definitely have some blind spots and are happy to revise our focus and introduce new topics at any point in time. 


Discussions about the environment often center on grim, impersonal figures. Among the numbers and warnings, it is easy to forget that all of these statistics actually also affect us - in very different ways. We believe that in order to understand the immensity of environmental topics and global climate change, we need the personal stories of our correspondents.

Gender and Sexuality

Gender is the assumption of a "normal". Unmet expectations of what is normal are a world-wide cause for violence. We hope that the stories of our correspondents will help us to better understand the effects of global developments related to gender and sexuality, and to reveal outdated concepts that have been reinforced for centuries.


Our correspondents write about migration because it is a deeply personal topic that is often dehumanized. People quickly become foreigners, refugees - a "they". But: we have always been migrating, and we always will. For millions of different reasons. By sharing personal stories about migration, we hope to re-humanize this global topic.


We want to support the demand for justice by spotlighting the personal stories of people who seek liberation in all its different forms. Our correspondents share their individual experiences in creating equality. We hope that for some this will be an encouragement to continue their own struggle against inequality and oppression - and for some an encouragement to get involved.


Education is the newest addition to our themes. We believe that education, not only formal but also informal, is one of the core aspects of just and equal society as well as social change. Our correspondents share their experiences and confrontations about educational inequalities, accessibility issues and influence of societal norms and structures. 

Corona Virus

2020 is a year different from others before - not least because of the Corona pandemic. The worldwide spread of a highly contagious virus is something that affects all of us in very different ways. To get a better picture of how the pandemic's plethora of explicit and implicit consequences influences our everyday life, we share lockdown stories from correspondents all over the world.

Growing Fast

Although we started just over a year ago, Correspondents of the World has a quickly growing community of correspondents - and a dedicated team of editors, translators and country managers.










Correspondents of the World is as much a community as an online platform. Please feel free to contact us for whatever reason!

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Joost: +31 6 30273938