Dumbfounded, silent and small - Silverton, NSW, Australia - Jemina Shrestha

Pariah Down Under

My extroverted-self begged me to initiate conversations, but, for the most part, I stayed quiet.
Australia, Oceania

Story by Jemina Shrestha. Edited by Melaina Dyck
Published on November 1, 2020. Reading time: 4 minutes

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In 2017, I walked into my first university class in Sydney, a fresh-off-the-plane transfer student from Nepal. Scanning the room with anxious jitters, I saw a few other students who looked like they belonged to the “English is our second language” squad. 

“Okay, cool, Jem,” I said to myself, “you’re not the only international student here.” The class began with the mandatory introduction. Anxiety ran through my veins when my Asian brethren opened their mouths and out came the typical Aussie accent that took me 6 months to get used to. I was the only international student in the class. My anxiety turned my introduction into incoherent mumbling, so they thought my name was Gemima and not Jemina. I did not have the courage to correct them. Thus, for an entire semester, I was Gemima. “Well, at least I have a western name now,” I thought, crawling under an imaginary rock.

That semester, I took four units in four different departments. So, I never really had constant companions. Since I joined the university in my second year, my classmates already had groups of their own. My extroverted-self begged me to initiate conversations with these human beings who looked nothing like me and seemed “so cool” with their perfect English and logical thinking, but my anxious-self kept shouting “What if they judge me for the way I speak?” or “OMG my outfit is giving people 2000s Hannah Montana vibes.”

Constantly questioning, “Am I good enough?’ was emotionally draining. My self-confidence chipped away. For the most part, I stayed quiet. I did not ask questions and sat in the most inconspicuous part of the classroom: the middle. There, I avoided the direct questioning gaze from professors in the front and steered clear of the cool people in the back benches with their rebellious questions.

But one day, I was running very late and took the last seat available, next to a girl I did not know. All the running released a burst of dopamine in me and I began a conversation without thinking. The girl actually laughed at my jokes and replied! I thought, “Hold up! A smart, beautiful Australian just laughed at my jokes. My English mumbling makes sense to her? Am I not as dumb as I thought I was?”

Turns out, I was more than just “not dumb.” With work, I pushed myself out of the tiny circle my insecurities put me in. I started talking freely with one or two people sitting next to me in lecture halls. Then, gradually, I plucked up the courage to speak in front of everyone when the professor asked for an opinion. My heart would be quaking, and I could hear it beat in my ears, but I still stood up to speak. I started to realise that my fear of being judged merely existed in my imagination. Most people did not care how I spoke or dressed or behaved. Some even found my perspective interesting.

My negative thoughts created a fake boundary between me and “others.” For months, I excluded myself. I made myself a pariah.

Dear reader, I hope my story helps you to start that conversation, share your opinion in thickest of accents and, most importantly, be you. It’s worth it.

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Jemina Shrestha

Jemina Shrestha

I am a human being who gets caught up in human doing a lot and I am working my way to find that balance between being and doing. I recently graduated with an undergraduate degree in Environmental Management and am looking forward to getting my Graduate degree. I absolutely love yoga, hiking, and taking myself out to explore the best cafes in the cities I visit. I work as a part -time barista and receptionist, and I thoroughly enjoy the experience of meeting people from all walks of life.

Topic: Migration

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At Correspondents of the World, we want to contribute to a better understanding of one another in a world that seems to get smaller by the day - but somehow neglects to bring people closer together as well. We think that one of the most frequent reasons for misunderstanding and unnecessarily heated debates is that we don't really understand how each of us is affected differently by global issues.

Our aim is to change that with every personal story we share.

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We believe in quality over quantity. To give ourselves a focus, we started out to collect personal stories that relate to our correspondents' experiences with six different global topics. However, these topics were selected to increase the likelihood that the stories of different correspondents will cover the same issues and therefore illuminate these issues from different perspectives - and not to exclude any stories. If you have a personal story relating to a global issue that's not covered by our topics, please still reach out to us! We definitely have some blind spots and are happy to revise our focus and introduce new topics at any point in time. 


Discussions about the environment often center on grim, impersonal figures. Among the numbers and warnings, it is easy to forget that all of these statistics actually also affect us - in very different ways. We believe that in order to understand the immensity of environmental topics and global climate change, we need the personal stories of our correspondents.

Gender and Sexuality

Gender is the assumption of a "normal". Unmet expectations of what is normal are a world-wide cause for violence. We hope that the stories of our correspondents will help us to better understand the effects of global developments related to gender and sexuality, and to reveal outdated concepts that have been reinforced for centuries.


Our correspondents write about migration because it is a deeply personal topic that is often dehumanized. People quickly become foreigners, refugees - a "they". But: we have always been migrating, and we always will. For millions of different reasons. By sharing personal stories about migration, we hope to re-humanize this global topic.


We want to support the demand for justice by spotlighting the personal stories of people who seek liberation in all its different forms. Our correspondents share their individual experiences in creating equality. We hope that for some this will be an encouragement to continue their own struggle against inequality and oppression - and for some an encouragement to get involved.


Education is the newest addition to our themes. We believe that education, not only formal but also informal, is one of the core aspects of just and equal society as well as social change. Our correspondents share their experiences and confrontations about educational inequalities, accessibility issues and influence of societal norms and structures. 

Corona Virus

2020 is a year different from others before - not least because of the Corona pandemic. The worldwide spread of a highly contagious virus is something that affects all of us in very different ways. To get a better picture of how the pandemic's plethora of explicit and implicit consequences influences our everyday life, we share lockdown stories from correspondents all over the world.

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